12 Days of Christmas - Self-care edition
December seems to be the busiest month of the year for most people. Customers want their jobs finished before Christmas, school holidays begin, presents must be bought, meals planned, work and family functions attended. It’s the mad dash to tie up the loose ends of this year so that we can make way for the clean slate of the next. In amongst all this chaos self-care can go by the wayside and we limp into the new year out of breath and stressed to the max. This year, I plan to do things a little different, I’ve made a 12 day self-care advent calendar so that I’m reminded to take care of me too.
“Taking care of myself doesn’t mean me first, it means me too”
So here is my list of self-care tasks, feel free to copy my list or make your own.
1. Book yourself a massage or self-care appointment: It’s so easy to put your body on the backburner when you’re busy. Whether you book an appointment for early in the month to ease your body through the busy season, or whether you book something for after the rush is over as a treat for getting through it all, or both. Whatever you decided, with a booking in the calendar it’s less likely to get lost amongst the chaos.
2. Spend 15 minutes doing some breathwork: When we experience stress – both emotional and physical – it affects how we breath. Breathwork helps to reduce stress, calm the nervous system and bring balance your body’s systems.
3. Go for a walk in nature: Fresh air and exercise, nothing else beats it for putting a little pep in your step.
4. Spend 15 minutes meditating or practicing mindfulness: Slowing down and focusing on the moment using mindfulness techniques or clearing your mind for a moment of peace by meditating can reduce your stress levels and be a great way to hit reset on your busy mind.
5. Treat yourself to a bath or a long hot shower: you can go all out with candles and bath salts or shower steamers, or keep it basic and just turn on your favourite tunes, put a ‘do not disturb’ sign on the door and indulge in a few moments of me-time.
6. Call a friend or family member: Got some friends you’ve been meaning to catch up with for months but just haven’t found the time? Give them a call and have a chat instead. Whilst a catch up might have been ideal, a chat will keep you connected until the new year. In fact, whilst you’re on the phone, pick a date to catch-up.
7. Put on your favourite music and turn up a volume: Did you know that listening to music can release endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin, all of which can help reduce stress, anxiety, and pain? So turn on some tunes and let your body’s natural stress reducers go to work.
8. Spend at least 15 minutes stretching: Tight and sore? Feeling tense? Stretch your muscles out! Did you know that studies have also shown that stretching can release serotonin? This wonderful hormone helps to stabilise your mood, reduce stress and make you feel good.
9. Do a workout or go for a run: apart from simply being god for you, exercise is great at improving mood and sense of wellbeing by releasing endorphins, and reducing stress hormones such as adrenalin and cortisol.
10. Spend some time being creative: creativity can be a form of mindfulness, to be creative you have to fully be in the moment. A study conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic found that engagement in creative leisure activities had a positive impact on people’s sense of wellbeing and a reduction in their stress levels.
11. List 5 things you’re grateful for: Gratitude can shift your outlook on your day! Most people don’t love Mondays, especially in this last push toward Christmas, but take the time to be thankful for the good things in life and focus on those instead.
12. Take some time to reflect on the past year: What worked? What didn’t? What habits did you start that you want to build on in the new year? What are some of your favourite memories?